الاثنين، 7 ديسمبر 2009


flood, hope, flood by ~Hyperstrudel

The unbelievable: Jeddah was flooded. My hometown was flooded almost 13 days back when trong streams of water coming down from the mountains, located to the west of the city, roared and struck right into our homes.

"Was that a bit unethical"?, I wondered!

Not that I rave against God's will (god forbid) but what has happened was by no means a natural disaster; it was rather unnatural at all!

To see our town collapsing under a single morning-to-afternoon downpour was definitely Unethical

To watch "us" on Youtube, our cars, our miseries, our floods, our nakedness, all exposed as we've never fancied,

NOW isn't that UNETHICAL!

I utterly feel that that everything we've lived so far was a big lie. As if we've gone even more than a hundred years back; a time of which all our memories could still grasp (genetically perhaps) is a yellowish image of narrow streets sinking under the heaviness of the past with all its awkwardness; a photo which would at best chances belong in my great grandfather's album.

Tonight, as I'm sitting on my bed and writing this, (something I might not enjoy for long), I could only think that Jeddah is now nothing more than a bubble which has been hoarded inside a few other bubbles, now bursting one after the other. Only a couple is left before a little "POP" is heard and everything fades into eternal darkness.

All that is left is utter and complete darkness where the only thing to be seen is a fragment of a (once was) pavement lit by a dying lonely street lamp around which our souls would flutter desperately to gasp the last specks of light! And all of this, only a few steps away from a (black) sea which was once called "Red"!

God! was this a nightmare or shall I say that these were only some devilish "unethical dreams".

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